rMEA 1.3.0
- shuffle_segments() reinstated with new code from Fabian.
- switched to data.table::fread to improve import performance in readMEA
- parallel computation
- MEAccf() now uses parallel computation by default
- readMEA() can use parallel computation, albeit with short files it does not
provide any meaningful advantage (it may even significantly downgrade performance).
rMEA 1.2.2 (2022-02-17)
- MEAlagPlot mea.line and contrast.line parameters changed to alpha values to have better control.
- shuffle_segments() was unreliable. It was disabled until someone fixes it.
rMEA 1.2.1
[2021/03/31] minor bugfixes
- lagSec=0 and lagSec=1 are now supported
rMEA 1.2.0 (2020-08-04)
[2020/07/29] Yearly update to CRAN
- the package is now compatible with R version 4.0
- New function: shuffle_segment(), offering within subject shuffling. This function is included for replication of older studies. shuffle() is still more conservative, and suggested approach to pseudosynchrony.
- New function CCFartefacts() to identify sequences with extremely high correlation, which may require inspection of the videos.
- New function: MEAreplace() allows to automatically delete (set to NA) or replace windows of MEA data, based on a data frame created by hand, or with functions like CCFartefacts().
Minor changes
- various improvements in the documentation
- all function now dynamically use ccfResNames.
- writeMEA now reports all ccfResNames.
- ccfRes now stores as well the 'bestLag' values, and the start and end of the synchronization windows (thanks to anonymous reviewer 2 for the suggestion).
- MEAheatmap received a new parameter 'mirror' that offers finer control on the color scale.
- shuffle() now allows to specify size = "max", to use all possible combinations.
- automatic detection of 'na.rm' arguments in MEAscale FUNs was buggy. So now there is a new argument 'removeNA' which applies na.omit on the data before submitting it to the scaling FUN.
- improved the MEAmap use of dots (...), which are now recycled and iterating correctly (when not a function)
- fixed a bug preventing heatmaps to be plotted with missing data
- improved MEAdistplot() to allow grouping by "id", "session", and "group"
- improved MEAdistplot() to support single session groups
- fixed a bug in MEAdistplot for plotting single groups
rMEA 1.1.0 (2019-03-22)
[2019/03/22] Yearly update to CRAN
- included LICENSE file
- improved fisher's transform performance
- updated rangeRescale function
- fixed minor bug in heatmap scaling
- added heatmap "rescale" parameter to highlight small trends in data
- improved axis label in various plots
- plot.MEA can now use "duration" instead of "to"
- various minor bug fixes
- added plot.MEAlist
- Implemented "[.MEAlist" method to extract from MEAlist while retaining metadata.
- included a function to extract CCF values (getCCF())
- shuffle now retains the names of the original signals in its uid
- fixed a bug in plot.MEA when interpolation results in NA vals
- updated documentation in readMEA
- all functions accepting MEAlist objects now should accept a list instead and try to parse as MEAlist internally
- new getter functions for MEA and MEAlist attributes
- more informative error messages
- fixed smaller bugs
rMEA 1.0.0 (2018-03-16)